Cheshire Morning

misty morning prestbury
Prestbury Morning Mist

I do like misty and fogy conditions as they are nearly always conducive to interesting, moody photography. Well nearly always – both of these pictures were taken on a cold early morning in rural Cheshire, the mist was very thick down by the river Bollin. Although I’m quite happy with both of these, I still feel that shooting in to fog with the sun to the rear of the camera is not as effective as when it is to the side or slightly to the front, creating a suffusion or backlit effect – which is very different to the reflectance in these pictures. Still, the shapes of the trees are magnificent, both oaks and both of some considerable age. The picture at the top has been treated with a tinted texture layer and the one below is simulating the Orton offset technique.

Both of these photos were taken with my 40 year old Nikkor AI 35mm f2.8 lens at f16, the camera was mounted on a tripod as a very long exposure time was required at 100iso – I never go higher with that!

Original photo EXIF

Nikon D200, 35mm, 100iso, f16, 1/2″, Feb 18th 2016 – 07:40

prestbury mist
Prestbury Morning Oak

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Oliver Wood